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Arpita Banerjee

Area of Research : Intravesical drug delivery, Biomaterials, Nanomedicine.

Date of Joining : July,2021

Under the supervision of Professor Rohit Srivastava (IIT Bombay) and Dr. Nitin Joshi (Brigham and Womens' Hospital, Harvard Medical School), Arpita is currently a Senior Research Fellow with UGC. Among her research interests are the development of novel biomaterial-based strategies for treating chronic bladder inflammation and aiding in enhanced drug retention in the bladder and preventing it from being flushed out through the urine. Following her graduation and post graduation in Botany, she qualified for several national entrance exams including CSIR-UGC NET, GATE, WB SET and ASRB NET.

Background : Bachelor's degree in Botany from University of Burdwan and Master's degree in Botany from University of North Bengal.

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